
Serbia enables import of Argentine beef

After years of work, Argentina added a new destination for its boneless beef. The Republic of Serbia opened its market to one of our most recognized products worldwide for its quality.


On October 18th 2022, the Serbian Veterinary Directorate (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management), presented its favorable report on the official visit to Argentina, from August 26th to September 2nd 2022. During those days, a delegation of four Serbian officials visited, under the coordination of the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA), one of its laboratories and various livestock and meat-packing establishments, thus verifying animal health, processes safety and quality in the production and processing of Argentine meat products.


The Serbian inspection report also authorized the 19 proposed Argentine establishments to export to this destination. In addition, a pre-listing system was established for the qualification of future Argentine establishments interested in exporting.


Negotiations and joint work by this embassy, ​​our Foreign Ministry, SENASA and Serbia, made this important commercial achievement possible.



Updated date: 27/10/2022